Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Taking over the World

Genetically modified organisms are taking over stores worldwide. They are foods that have been "hand selected" where the genes that are desired are placed directly into crop plants. This allows certain crops to gain traits that allow them to stay fresh longer, resist cold, grow bigger and taste better. The idea of genetically modified foods have created a very controversial front. Some argue that there  is a potential that we create "super-weeds" or that "super- bugs" will evolve that can resist pesticides. Some people are concerned that if genes are taken from other organisms then there is the risk that if one was allergic to a certain organism that they could have a reaction to the new GMO. But, on the other hand GMO's are creating a whole new market for farmers and people in the business. Before genetically modified plants were discovered being a farmer was a risky business. Some years you could have an abundant crop and others you produced and sold next to nothing. The idea of crops that cut costs on pesticides or could almost guarantee being bigger and stronger was very intriguing and promising for the business.

At this time in the United States GMOs do not need to be labeled. So when people go out to buy fruits or vegetables they have no idea whether what they are eating is genetically modified. For the common person this is a fact. But, for a amateur scientist, this is hardly a problem. There is a way to find out if your food is genetically modified! This is what we will be doing in our lab.

First, in order to genetically modify a plant you must take the plasmid of a specific plant. Then you find the gene of interest, such as a TI plasmid (tumor inducing) which will go into agro-bacteria and then into a new plant cell. In order for us to find out if our food is genetically modified we must grind/break up the cell wall and nuclear membrane of the plant cell. Next we will put the sample into a hot water bath (at 99 degrees celsius). We will be adding DNAse, which destroys DNA if we open the cell membrane. The second day of our study we will compare plant DNA with DNA of a genetically modified organism. On the third day of our lab we will use gel electrophoresis to see which genes are present between our control and our samples. As a control we are using an organic, non-genetically modified organism. Our goal is to find out if food we have around the kitchen is genetically modified without us even knowing.

1 comment:

  1. A+ Very nice. I like the Youtube link- it's very informative!
