Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Passing Along of Mitochondria

In every person there is a set of 46 chromosomes, but in addition to that there is mitochondrial DNA in every human being. Each person's mitochondria has several copies of its own genome. This genome contains 37 genes and is passed to the child through their mother. The mitochondria provides a means to extract energy using oxygen. The mitochondria is in general the same size as bacteria and is circularly shaped.

The mitochondria provides a means to extract energy using oxygen. In this lab, we will extract our DNA the same way we did for the Disease Gene lab, involving saline solution, instagene matrix, and PCR. We will also be using mitochondrial DNA and primers to bracket the mt  control region, which will only copy the the specific section of DNA. Next, we will do the same gel electrophoresis that was done in the previous lab to tell us if our mitochondrial DNA is similar. 

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